


OECD Gross pension replacement rates data analysis 5 - t-test with simulation based using "infer" package of R. There is no significant difference between 2014 and 2020.

Generated by Bing Image Creator www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the above post, I visualize replacement rates of 2014 and 2020. And there seems no signficant difference. In this post, let's confirm that usin…

OECD Gross pension replacement rates data analysis 4 - Visualization Histogram and Boxplot using R. There is not much difference between 2014 and 2020.

Generated by Bing Image Creatorwww.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post I will analysis difference between 2014 and 2020. First, I make a data frame to calculate difference between 2014 and 2020. filter() f…

OECD Gross pension replacement rates data analysis 3 - Is there statistically significant difference between MEN and WOMEN? Using R infer package workflow.

UnsplashのIvan Jevticが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is followong of the above post. In this post I will check the first question, 1 - MEN and WOMEN have different replacement rate? I use 'infer' package workflow, it is not the…

OECD Gross pension replacement rates data analysis 2 - making data frame for analysis using select(), rename(), mutate() function and making a histogram with ggplot() + geom?histogram() function with R

UnsplashのAyesha Firdausが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I load CSV file data into R with read_csv() function. In this post I make a data frame for analysis use. First, I sel…

OECD Gross pension replacement rates data analysis 1 - read_csv() function to load CSV file data into R and skim() function to check each variables.

UnsplashのQingbao Mengが撮影した写真 In this post, I will analyze OECD Gross pension replacement rates data. According to the above definions, the higher replacement rates implies richer retirement life wit pension income.First, I download…

OECD Crop production data analysis 9 - ANOVA(ANalysis Of VAriance) analysis with "infer" package using R

UnsplashのAnisur Rahmanが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is followoing of the above post. In this post I will do ANOVA analysis with "infer" package using R. I would like to see crop production are different by crop, maize, rice,…

OECD Crop production data analysis 8 - Hierarchical Clustering using R

UnsplashのDustin Humesが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will do Hierarchical Clustering using R. First, I make a matrix for clustering. I start with subsetting only year 2020 data. …

OECD Crop production data analysis 7 - time series data analysis using R - creating "ts" class object and visualize with TSstudio package.

UnsplashのMelanie Kreutzが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.I will see time-seires trend of productivity of crop production data in this post. I refrer to Hands-On Time Series Analysis with R: Perform…

OECD Crop production data analysis 6 - correlation matrix and scatter plots matrix using R

UnsplashのOchir-Erdene Oyunmedegが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will analyze correlations of vatiables. Let's begin with crop field area. I can use cor() function to see correlati…

OECD Crop production data analysis 5 - Using pivot_wider(), select() and rename() function to make a new "wider format" data frame.

UnsplashのSina Baharが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is followiing of the above post. In this post, I will make wider format data frame from "df" data frame object. First, let's see "df" data frame. I see SUBJECT variable has 4 …

OECD Crop production data analysis 4 - crop productivity ranking using R

www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will make crop productivity ranking by country. Crop productivity is "crop volume / crop field area", it is measured as TONNE_HA. Let's start with MAIZE. ISR(Isra…

OECD Crop production data analysis 3 - crop volume ranking using R ggplot() + geom_boxplot(). China is only one country which are in top 4 countries for all crops.

UnsplashのSpenser Sembratが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.The above post is ti make crop field are ranking. In this post, I will make crop volume ranling by location. First, MAIZE. USA, China, Bras…

OECD Crop production data analysis 2 - crop field area ranking using R visualization tool

UnsplashのMack Songが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.In the previous post, I imported CSV file data into R. Then, let's visialize those data. First, let's see each 4 kinds of crops field area. Let's…

OECD Crop production data analysis 1 - Import CSV file into R using read_csv() function. MAIZE has the largest cropfields and volume.

UnsplashのMelissa Askewが撮影した写真 In this post, I will analyzie OECD Crop production data. Firstly, I downloaded data from "OECD (2023), Crop production (indicator). doi: 10.1787/49a4e677-en (Accessed on 01 July 2023)" I use R to analy…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 9 - regression analysis with panel data using R

UnsplashのMartin Sanchezが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I made a panel data frame, n = 37, T = 2, N = 74. In this post, I do regression analysis with the panel data frame. F…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 8 - Making panel data frame using R plm package

UnsplashのDaniel Pelaez Duqueが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I did regression analysis with time-series data. Unfortunately, I cannot make a statistically significant model.…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 7 - Time series analysis, serial correlation, cochrane-orcutt estimation using R

UnsplashのMattia Bericchiaが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I did time-series regression with differenced data and found these models are not valid. So, I will do with level d…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 6 - Time series regression analysis using R

UnsplashのJohannes Wが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will do time series regression analysis. Before starting this, let's see which LOCATION has the most obserbations. USA has 41 o…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 5 - Cross sectional regression analysis using R

UnsplashのAditi Bhattが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I make some scatter plots to feel some sense of variables relationships. In this post, I will do corss sectional regress…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 4 - Making a scatter plot using ggplot() + geom() function with R

UnsplashのSergey Leont'evが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, let's see relationship between two variables. First, let's see correlations. I use cor() function to see correlation. TRY an…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 3 - using ggplot() + geom_boxplot() function to see categorical variable and numerical variable relationship

UnsplashのJean Vellaが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.I made histograms in the previous post, in this post, I will make another type of graphs, boxplot. Let's start wtih LOCATION and TRY. I see RUS,…

OECD Adult education level data analysis 2 - calculate summary statistics and making histograms using R

UnsplashのS. Tsuchiyaが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the above post, I made a data frame to work with. Let's check each variable names and it's explanations. BUPSRY: Below upper secondary, in …

OECD Adult education level data analysis 1 - Importing CSV file into R using read_CSV() and making a data frame to analyze.

UnsplashのWeiye Tanが撮影した写真 In this post, I will analyze OECD Adult education level data. First, I downloaded CSV file from OECD web site.{Education attainment - Adult education level - OECD Data} It is like above screen-shot. I alos…

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 7 - regression analysis with infer package of R

UnsplashのAlexander Cifuentesが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post. In this post, I will do cross sectional regression analysis using infer package. Fisrt, I select one year for cross sectional regression. …

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 6 - Testing for serial correlation of the error term using R

UnsplashのBob Brewerが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. By previous posts, I made 6 models. These models are time series regression model. So, I would like to check whether there are serial correlati…

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 5 - regression with differenced data using R

Unsplashのguy stevensが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This psot is following of above post.In the previous post, I regress acc_nights, inter_arr and inter_dep on per_capita and trend term for Japan tourism flow data. In this post, I will …

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 4 - Time series regression for Japan tourism data with R.

UnsplashのHan Chenxuが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is floowing of the above post.In the above post, I find year 2020 and 2021 have COVID-19 effect and each locations has their own characteristics. So I will focus a few locatio…

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 3 - Boxplots and Scatter Plots using R.

UnsplashのQuang Nguyen Vinhが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is floowing of above post.In this post, I will draw some graphs to see relationship of two variables. Fisrt, I see per capita and location with boxplots. I see SAU, AUS…

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 2 - Data wrangling and one variable visualization with R.

Unsplashの2H Mediaが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. I make ACC_NIGHTS only data frame with filter() function in R. Next, I make INTER_ARR only data frame. I make INTER_DEP only data frame. Then, I …

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 1 - Load CSV data into R.

UnsplashのErik Knoefが撮影した写真 In this post, I will analyze OECD Tourism flows data analysis. I download CSV file from the OECD website. I also downladed GDP per capita data from OECD web site. I use R for data analysis. First, I load …