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Now, let's see which country has the maxmum doctors' consultations using which.max() fundtion.
Korea has the max conultations per capita. 16.9 times a year.
Then, what country has the minimum?
1960 Turkey has the minimum doctors' consultations. It is ony 0.7 times a year.
Next, let's see average value by country.
By average, Korea has the most consultations, 2nd is Japan, 3rd is Slovakia.
By average, Colombia has the minimum consultations, Costa Rika is at 2nd and South Africa is at 3rd.
Now let's see what yser has the most observations.
We see 2009 has the most observations, 35 obs. I use 2007 and 2021 to analyze further.
Let's see avarage Value by year.
We see 2007 average is 5.74 and 2021 average is 6.34.
That's it thank you!
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