This blog is following of above blog.
This time, let's import country name data too.
I hvae below CSV file which contains ISO code and country name.
I use read_csv() function to read this data into R.
Then, I use inner_join() to merge previous data frame:df and this data frame:iso_code.
We use summary() to see summary stats of df.
We see ODAFLOWS has 3248 observations, ODAGRANT data has 347 observations, MLN_USD has 1988 observations, PC_GNI has 1607 observations.
The oldest time is 1960 and the latest time is 2020.
The minimum value is 0.00, the maximum value is 37079.53, median value is 45.18 and average value is 1708.01.
We use table(9 function to see subjecgt and measure combinations.
We see most frequent combination is ODAFLOWS & MLN_USD, 2nd is ODAFLOWS & PC_GNI, 3rd is ODAGRANT & MLN_USD, the 4th is ODAGRANT & PC_GNI.
Let's see ODAFLOWS & MLN_USD more.
time has 1960 to 2020 range. value has 0.39 to 36551.15 range.
How about ODAFLOWS & PC_GNI?
time has 1960 to 2017 range, it is a shorter than ODAFLOWS & MLN_USD.
value has 0.001316 to 1.404549.
time range is 2015 to 2020, it is very shorther than ODAFLOWS data.
value range is 19.96 to 37079.53.
How about ODAGRANT & PC_GNI?
time range is 2018 to 2020. value range is 0.02748 to 1.15007.
That's it.
To see the 1st blog,
The next blog is