In this post, I will analyze OECD Adult education level data.
First, I downloaded CSV file from OECD web site.
{Education attainment - Adult education level - OECD Data}
It is like above screen-shot.
I alos download GDP data from OECD web site.
{GDP and spending - Gross domestic product (GDP) - OECD Data}
I use R to analyze those data.
First, I load tidyverse package.
I use read_csv to CSV files.
Let's use glimpse() function to check whether I import those CSV files correctly.
The both data frames(exactly saying, it is tibble) have 7 columns with same variable names.
To check each variables, I use skim() fruntion from skimr package.
All 7 variables does not have NA. INDICATOR, MEASURE and FREQUENCY have only 1 value, so I can delete them.
Let' see raw_gdp.
Again, all 7 variables does not have NA and INDICATOR, SUBJECT and FREQUENCY have only 1 value. I delete them.
Then, I convert those data frames to wide format using pivot_wider() function.
Then, I merge these two data frmeas into one data frame using inner_join() function.
Finally, I get a data frame to analyze.
That's it. Thank you!