


OECD Net ODA data analysis 6 - Turkey has the highest ODAGRANT & PC_GNI. There is not significant difference in year.

Photo by 301+ Kim on Unsplash www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post. In this post, let's see ODAGRANT & PCT_GNI. What is the highest ODAGRAN & PCT_GNI country - year? 2019 Turkey has the highest ODAGRANT & PC_GNI. What is…

読書記録 - 「市民科学者として生きる」 高木仁三郎 著 (岩波新書)

市民科学者として生きる (岩波新書) 作者:高木 仁三郎 岩波書店 Amazon 「プルトニウムの危険性を世界の人々に知らしめ、また情報公開を政府に迫って一定の成果を上げるなど、市民の立場に立った科学者」の高木仁三郎博士の自伝的な本です。

OECD Net ODA data analysis 5 - United States has the largest ODAGRANT & MLN_USD

Photo by TOMOKO UJI on Unsplash www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post.In this post, let's see how ODAGRANT & MLN_USD looks like. United States dominates. Germany is at the 2nd. Let's see average value by country. United S…