


World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 6 - Hierarchical Clustering using R

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Unique landscape view traditional Japanese local area with rape blossoms, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is followong of the above post. In this post I will do hierarchical clustering using R. First I m…

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 5 - Simulation based multiple regression analysis with R infer package

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long view from far, small creek, a few trees, one side road along with beautiful flowers, blue sky and white clouds, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is followng of the above post. In this post, I will do…

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 4 - Simulation based statistical inference with R infer package

Generated by Bing Image Creatpr: Wide large view of rice fields in the summer, blue sky and sunflower www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post I will do simulation based statistical inference with R infer p…

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 3 - Which country has decreased living in slums most?

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long view from the sky, high mountains and green grass fields, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I find data start from 2000 to 2020. So, let's see how…

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 2 - making histograms using R

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Beautiful flower bucket, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I load Population living in slums data into R. In this post, I will make histograms using R …

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 1 - import CSV file data into R and tidying data.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Local area photograph, apple trees, blue sky and white clouds In this post, I will analyze World Bank Population living in slums data using R. Population living in slums (% of urban population) | Data (worl…

OECD Household savings data analysis 6 - Panel Data regression analysis using R plm package.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Photograph of narcissus tazetta garden with spring shiny sky, more bright tone www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. I will do panel data regression analysis in this post. I refert to…

OECD Household savings data analysis 4 - Join World Bank per capita GDP data using R inner_join() function

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Photographs of rape blossoms like an illustrated book, more shiny and green www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post. In the previous post, I found year 2000 is a special year for household s…

OECD Household savings data analysis 3 - Using R reveals Year 2020 is special year for Household savings.

Generated by Bing Image Creator:Lovely photograph of beautiful sunflowers in a city www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the above post, I made a subset data frame, which is balanced panel data. Let's see time tr…

OECD Household savings data analysis 2 - Data visualization, histogram, bar chart and box plot with R ggplot2

Generated by Bing Image Creator: photo of real iris flower garden www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I make a tidy data frame. In this post, I will do visualization to get the feeling of what…

OECD Household savings data analysis 1 - Import CSV file data into R using read_csv() function.

Generated by Bing Image Creator:Beautiful scientific natural flowers on the moon, photo In this post, I will analyse OECD Household savings data with R. I downloaded below CSV fril from OECD web site. I use R to analyze above data. To begi…

OECD Total official and private flows data analysis 6 - Regression using R's rpart package

Generated by Bing Inage Creator: Photo of tulips and cherry blossomes in the moon. www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post. In this post, I will do regression using R's 'rpart' package. I learned how to use 'rpart' package …

OECD Total official and private flows data analysis 5 - Classification using R's glmnet package.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Photo of dandelions and violets blooming all over a field www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I used R's 'tree' package. In this post, I will use R's 'glmnet' …

OECD Total official and private flows data analysis 4 - Classification using R's tree package.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Picture with lots of red maple leaves www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I made a dummy variable 'neg' which indicates whether a LOCATION has negative value o…

OECD Total official and private flows data analysis 3 - Monte Carlo Simulation using R.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Pictures of plum blossoms blooming in a rainforest. www.crosshyou.info This posit is following of the above post. In the previous post, I make two groups for LOCATION, one is neg == 1, which has negative va…

OECD Total official and private flows data analysis 2 - Summary Statistics using R

UnsplashのNastasia Kalininaが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. Let's see summary statistics. First, let's see summary statistics by LOCATION. Let's see summary stats by TIME. I use group_by() functio…

OECD Total official and private flows data analysis 1 - Load CSV file into R and some data wrangling.

UnsplashのCosmic Timetravelerが撮影した写真 Hello. I will analyse OECE Total offical and private flows using R. I download data CSV file from the OECD web site. https://data.oecd.org/drf/total-official-and-private-flows.htm I got the CSV l…

OECD Trust in government data analysis 6 - Multiple(one numerical, one categorical variable) Linear Regression with R. I am very confident that per capita GDP is related to Trust in government

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Phot of beautiful nature scene, that includes blue sky, while clouds, yellow flowers, green fields. www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.In this post I use l_pc_gdp and country for ex…

OECD Trust in government data analysis 5 - Multiple(two numerical variables) Linear Regression with R, log(per capita GDP) is still significant under controlling year.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Photograph of coral leaf with beautiful fishes, more colorful. www.crosshyou.info This post is followoing of previous post above. In this post, I will do multiple regression analysis using 'infer' package w…

OECD Trust in government data analysis 4 - Simple Linear Regression part II. I am very confident that trust and per capita GDP has positive relationship.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Photograph of Japanese natural small river and wild fishes in the morning www.crosshyou.info This post is followong of the above post. In the previous post, I made a data frame which shows country averaged …

OECD Trust in government data analysis 3 - Simple Linear Regression Using 'infer' Package Workflow.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Photograph of spring fields with tiny flowers and blue sky and white clouds www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will do linear regression using infer package workflo…

OECD Trust in government data analysis 2 - visualizing data with R using ggplot2. one variable distribution, two variables relationship.

Generated by Bing Image Crator: Photography of Mt. Fuji and beautiful lake and blue sky and red foreasts www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.In the previous post, I load OECD Trust in govenment data and per capita G…

OECD Trust in government data analysis 1 - import CSV file into R and make a tidy data frame.

Generated by Bing Image Creator : Photograph of Japanese Shrine and Blue Sky and White Could and Beautiful Flowers In this post I an going to analyze OECD Trust in government with R. Firstly, I downloaded CSV file like below from OECD web …

OECD Influenza vaccination rates data analysis with R 6 - multiple regression

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Orion stars and beautiful forest www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I did simple regression. In this post I will do multiple regressions. We have 5 explnanato…

OECD Influenza vaccination rates data analysis with R 5 - Simple Regression Analysis

Generated by Bing Image Creator : Photograph, Morning, Tall Waterfall, Wild Flowers from Birds View more green tone www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will do regression analysis. The dependent var…

OECD Influenza vaccination rates data analysis with R 4 - geom_point() and facet_wrap(), geom_shmooth() are good friends.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Photograph, Small Birds, Biright Sky, White Clouds and country landscape www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the above post, I merge Influenza data and GDP data. Let's check the …

OECD Influenza vaccination rates data analysis with R 3 - merge GDP data frame with inner_join().

Generated by Bing Image Creator : Pphotograph, Alps, Mountains, Green Grass, Cows www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will add per capita GDP data to the Influenza vaccination data. From OECD websit…

OECD Influenza vaccination rates data analysis with R 2 - Drawing Histogram, Q-Q, Scatter Plot and Boxplot

Bing Image Creator : Photograph, Landscape, Beautiful Trees, Blue Sea and Beach www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post.In this post, I will make some grpahps to see waht OECD Influenza vaccination rates looks like. First, …

OECD Influenza vaccination rates data analysis with R 1 - Load CSV file date using read_csv() function

Bing Image Creator -- Photograph of small yellow flowers, high mountains and blue sky and clouds In this post, I will analyze OECD Influenza vaccination rates with R. First, I load tidyverse. Then, I use read_csv() function to load data on…

OECD Gross pension replacement rates data analysis 6 - Linear Regression Analysis finds GDP does not matter for pension replacement rates.

Created by Bing Image Creator www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above test. In this post I will analyze relationship between replacement rates and per capita GDP. So, I got per capita GDP data from OECD web site. I downloade…