


Kaggle's Gym Members Exercise Dataset Analysis with R 6 - Logistic Regression and Decision Tree to see Male or Female.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long-wide landscape view of large fall and river, flowering dandelions, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is follwong of the above post. In this post, I will to classification practice, to see Male or Fema…

Kaggle's Gym Members Exercise Dataset Analysis with R 5 - Linear Regression and Tree Model Regression to Forecast Calories

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long landscape view of photograph, wind breezing grass field under the blue sky www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. This morning, I will do linear regression and tree model regressi…

Kaggle's Gym Members Exercise Dataset Analysis with R 4 - Statistical Inference with infer package: 2-Sample mean t-Test

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Light blue forest landscape, yellow and green flowers, photowww.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will do statistical inference with infer package. I refere to Tidy St…

Kaggle's Gym Members Exercise Dataset Analysis with R 3 - Visualizing Gym Data Part II

Generated by Bing Image Creator: last sunshine landscape of Morocco blue sky, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.In the above post, I make grapsh to see variables. In this post I add gender data to those grap…

Kaggle's Gym Members Exercise Dataset Analysis with R 2 - Visualizing Gym Data

Generated by Bing Image Creator: wine red colored kochia field under blue sky and white cloud, fine photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post. In the above post, I imported Kaggle's Gym Members Exercise Dataset into R. …

Kaggle's Gym Members Exercise Dataset Analysis with R 1 - Import CSV file.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: far away landscape, white mountains, green fields, blue sky, photo In this post, I will do some data analysis for Kaggle's "Gym Memners Exercise Dataset" It is in Gym Members Exercise Dataset, or https://ww…

World Bank Income share held by lowest 20% data analysis 7 - Tree Model Classification for Income Prediction

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Glossy abelia flowers in the beautiful green grass field, blue sky and white clouds, well feeling breeze, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will do tree mode…

World Bank Income share held by lowest 20% data analysis 6 - Tree-Based Regression in R.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Earth and Winds and Fire Landscape, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I did linear regression with both traditional way and modern way. In this post I …

World Bank Income share held by lowest 20% data analysis 5 - theoretical base regression analysis vs. simulation base regression analysis.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Large tree, tiny flowers, green grass, blue sky and white clouds, morning, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is follwoing of the previous post. In this post, I will do regression analysis, with traditional…

World Bank Income share held by lowest 20% data analysis 4 - Visualize change net and change percent by region, by income group.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Joyful landscape view of green grass field, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I calculated change net and change percent between 2006 and 2008. Let's v…

World Bank Income share held by lowest 20% data analysis 3 - Using pivot_wider() to see net change from 2006 to 2018.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long scale view of green forest, blue sky, cosmos flowers, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. Let's see which year has the most observations. I use count() function and arran…

World Bank Income share held by lowest 20% data analysis 2 - Some data visualization with R

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Wide view of clear small creek, water flowers, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.In the previous post, I import data into R and made a tidy dataframe which can be analyzed. S…

World Bank Income share held by lowest 20% data analysis 1 - import data into R from CSV file and make "tidy" data frame.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Wide-shot of mountain flower gardens, photo In this post, I will analyze World Bank's "Income share held by 20%" data with R. From the website, Income share held by lowest 20% | Data (worldbank.org) I got b…

World Bank's Lead time to import data analysis 7 - Linear Regression Analysis and Heteroskedasticity Check

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Close up phot of Crape Myrtle flowers on the local spring water www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the above post, I found that Lead time to import change and initial Lead time …

World Bank's Lead time to import data analysis 6 - Visualize Lead time changes

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Closeup photo of daisy flowers, which is planted on grass mountains. www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the above post, I calculated improvement/worsen for lead time to import. …

World Bank's Lead time to import data analysis 5 - Country performance - improvements and worsening

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Landscape view of low mountains, sunset time, golden colored morning glory flowers, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I found Lead time to import diffe…

World Banks's Lead time to import data analysis 4 - Lead time variation by region, group, year -- using 'infer' package.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: long landscape view of green fields with blue sky and white clouds. There is phalaenopsis orchid flowers. Photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the previous post, I see three…

World Bank's Lead time to import data analysis 3 - Visualize for two variables relationship with ggplot2

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long view of natural hot springs, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post I will make a few graphs to show relationship between lttl and other variables. First, lttl …

World Bank's Lead time to import data analysis 2 - Visualize for one variable with ggplot2 with displaying numbers

Bing Image Creator: Closeup lotus flowers on a very little lake, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will make graphs for one variables with ggplot2 to understand what my data is. Let's start …

World Bank's Lead time to import data analysis 1 - load CSV file and make a tidy dataframe.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Closeup flowering blue, yellow, pink and red roses. Background is natural high mountains dark night sky and a nebula, photo In this series of posts, I will analyze Lead time to inport data from World Bank D…

World Bank's Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) data analysis 7 - Random Forest Method with "tidymodel"

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long view photo of Yakushima Island www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In the above post, I use Logistinc Regression to predict ninety. In this post I will use Random Forest. I ref…

World Bank's Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) data analysis 6 - Classification practice with tidymodels package

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Close up photo of wisteria flowers. www.crosshyou.info In this post, I will do classification practice using tidymodels workflow. I refer to tidymodels - Preprocess your data with recipes First, I make a du…

World Bank's Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) data analysis 5 - Regression Analysis(one categorical, one numerical) with tidymodels workflow

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Close up photo of yellow roses www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, I will do regression anaysis using tidymodels workflow. I refere to tidymodels - Build a model To be…

World Bank's Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) data analysis 4 - ANOVA with infer package

Generated by Bing Image Creator: long wide range landscape view, early fall season, nature field, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post.In this post, I will do ANOVA(Analysis of Variance) with infer package of R. Fi…

World Bank's Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) data analysis 3 - Visualizing data with ggplot2 package

UnsplashのNatalia Marcelewiczが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post, let's visualize data with ggplot2 package. First, let's make an overall histogram. Many observations are 100% care. Next…

World Bank's Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) data analysis 2 - merge care (%) data frame and country meta data frame.

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long wide range landscape of beautiful beach, photo style www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. CSV files from World Bank web site includes country meta data file like below. I will l…

World Bank's Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%) data analysis 1 - Loading CSV file data into R

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Landscape of dogwood flowers. I will analyze World Bank's "Pregnant women receivig prenatal care (%) data with R. I got data from https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.STA.ANVC.ZS?view=map The CSV file is…

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 6 - Hierarchical Clustering using R

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Unique landscape view traditional Japanese local area with rape blossoms, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is followong of the above post. In this post I will do hierarchical clustering using R. First I m…

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 5 - Simulation based multiple regression analysis with R infer package

Generated by Bing Image Creator: Long view from far, small creek, a few trees, one side road along with beautiful flowers, blue sky and white clouds, photo www.crosshyou.info This post is followng of the above post. In this post, I will do…

World Bank Population living in slums data analysis 4 - Simulation based statistical inference with R infer package

Generated by Bing Image Creatpr: Wide large view of rice fields in the summer, blue sky and sunflower www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post. In this post I will do simulation based statistical inference with R infer p…