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This post is followong of the above post. In the previous post, I made a data frame which shows country averaged data. In this post, I will make year average data and will do simple linear regression.
First, I make a data frame group by year.
Let's see a scatte plot.
It seems there is positive relationship between l_pc_gdp and trust.
I use lm() function for theoretical-base linear regression and inference.
slope estimate for l_pc_gdp is 9.813. Let's see confidence interval with confint() function.
95% confidence interval for l_pc_gdp slope is from 2.415 to 17.21. It does not include 0.
Next, let's get confidence interval with simulation-based calsulation with 'infer' package workflow.
Let's calculate confidence interval with get_ci() function.
Simulation-based 95% confidence interval if between 2.88 and 17.2, that is narrower than theory-based confidence interval.
Let's visualize resutls.
Theory-base confidence interval and simulation-base one are very similar. I am very confident that l_pc_gdp and trust has positive relationship.
That's it. Thank you!
Next post is,
To read from the first post,