

OECD Trust in government data analysis 2 - visualizing data with R using ggplot2. one variable distribution, two variables relationship.

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This post is following of the above post.
In the previous post, I load OECD Trust in govenment data and per capita GDP data into R. In this post, I visualize those data using ggplot2 package.

First, let's see one variable distribution. I start with country.

Almost countries have more than 15 observations. 

Next, let's see year.

Since, country is categorical variable and year is discrete numerical variable, I use count() function and geom_col() function.

How about trust?

Since trust is continous numerical variable, I use geom_histogram() function to draw a histogram. The distrubution shows a slight right skewed shape.

Let's see pc_gdp.

pc_gdp shows very right skewed shape. In this case, it is better to see log converted distribution.

This shape is more symmetric than non-log distribution.

Now, let's move on to see two variables relationship. Let's see trust and log(pc_gdp).

I see log(pc_gdp) and trust has positive relationship.

Let's add year.

I use facet_wrap() function to add see year effect. In every year, there are positive relationship between trust and log(pc_capita).

Since there are too many countries in the data frame, I don't use facet_wrap(). Instead, I use country avaraged data.

I use geom_text() function to add country name. I see positive relationship on country average data.

Let's see year average data.

There is positive relationship on year average data.

So, I assume there is positive relationship between log(pc_capita) and trust in government.

That's it. Thank you!

Next post is,



To read from the first post,
