Generated by Bing Image Creator: Unique landscape view traditional Japanese local area with rape blossoms, photo
This post is followong of the above post. In this post I will do hierarchical clustering using R.
First I make a matrix object for hierarchical clustering.
I will use two variables, sulums_2000 and change for clustetring.
Next, I make a function for scaling.
Then, I use maxmin() function to re-scale variables.
Let's see summary of mtx.
You'll see the both variables are re-scaled, max is 1, minimum is 0.
Now, let's do hierarchical clustering.
I use dist() function to calculate distance.
Then, I use hclust() function to make hierarchical clustering.
Let's plot dendrogram plot.
From the above plot, I think it is better divde three clusters like below plot.
I use cutree() function to assign those clusters to each country.
Finally, I make a scatter plot with the three clusters.
I see three clusters are very clearly divided.
That's it. Thank you!
To read from the first post,