


OECD Researchers data analysis 3 - 5 Named Graphs in R

UnsplashのPhong Nguyenが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is following of the above post.In this post I will create 5 names graphs in R. I refer to Chapter 2 Data Visualization | Statistical Inference via Data Science (moderndive.c…

OECD Researchers data analysis 2 - Converting long format dataframe to wide format dataframe and merge two dataframes with R

UnsplashのSakuraが撮影した写真 www.crosshyou.info This post is floowing of the above post. Let's explore gdp dataframe. gdp dataframe has more LOCATION than researcher dataframe. gdp dataframe INDICATOR has only one calue, GDP. So I can re…