


OECD Meat Consumption Data Analysis 5 - scatter plot using R ggplot2::geom_point()

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post.In this post, let's draw scatter plots using R ggplot2::geom_point.First of all, let's see correlations about 4 KG_CAPs. bekg: BEEF KG_CAP and pokg: …

OECD Meat Consumption Data Analysis 4 - USA is the most meat consumption country.

Photo by Claiton Conto on Unsplash www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post.Let's see KG_CAP data as country average. Firstly, bekg: BEEK KG_CAP ARG is the highest beef consumption country. IND is the lowest. How about pikg:…

OECD Meat Consumption Data Analysis 3 - PIG and POULTRY are on up trend while BEEF and SHEEP are on down trend.

Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash www.crosshyou.info This post is following of above post. Let's see coun: country. We see all country have 40 observations. Let's see year We see all year have 38 observations.So, df2 data frame is 40 co…