

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 1 - Load CSV data into R.

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In this post, I will analyze OECD Tourism flows data analysis.

I download CSV file from the OECD website.

I also downladed GDP per capita data from OECD web site.

I use R for data analysis.

First, I load tidyverse package.

I use read_csv() fundtion to load CSV file data into R.

I also load GDP per capita CSV file.

Then, I merge 'df' and 'gdp' with inner_join() function and make a new data frame.

Let's use summary() function to get 'df_gdp' summary statistics.

From 'LOCATION' to 'FREQUENCY', there is not so much information, I just know there are 1379 observations.

For TIME, I know it strats from 2008 to 2921.
Value comes from 'df' and 'per_capita' comes from 'gdp'.

Let's check LOCATION with table() function.

LOCATIONs which have most observations are AUS, GRC, ISR, JPN and LTU.


INDICATOR has only one value, TOUR_FLOW, so I can remove this variable.

Let's check SUBJECT

INTER_ARR is arrival number of tourist, ACC_NIGHTS is accomodation nights and INTER_DEP is departure number of tourist. I keep SUBJECT.

Let's check MEASURE.

MEASURE has only one value, NBR. so I remove MEASURE from df_gdp.


Let's check FRQUENCY

FREQUENCY has only one value, A. So I can remove FREQUENCY.

Then, I mutate LOCATION and SUBJECT to factor class.

I also changed variavle names.

All right, let's use summary() function again.

I think Value can be re-scale. I divide Value by 10000.

Let's see summary.

That's it for this post. I will continure analysis in the next post. Thank you!

Next post is
