

OECD Tourism flows data analysis 2 - Data wrangling and one variable visualization with R.

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This post is following of the above post.

I make ACC_NIGHTS only data frame with filter() function in R.

Next, I make INTER_ARR only data frame.

I make INTER_DEP only data frame.

Then, I merge those three data frames into one data frame using inner_join() function.

I will analyze df_new data frame.
Let's see summary statistics with summary() function.

I see AUS, GRC, JPN, ISR and LTU have 14 observations. Year starts from 2008 to 2021.

per_capita varies from 11224 to 61975, mean is 32625.

acc_nights varies from 138.2 to 10568.7, mean is 21226.2.

inter_arr varies from 20.69 to 21787.67, mean is 2090.44.

inter_dep varies from 23.36 to 9308.58, mean is 1466.46.

Let's visualize each variables.

I start with location.

Since location is a categorical variable, I use group_by() and summarize() function to count number of observations of locations, then I use geom_col().

Next, year.

I use geom_bar() function to count number of observations of year, I see 2017 has the most observations.

Let's go on with per_capita

Since per_capita is a numerical variable, I use geom_histogram() function for drawing a histogram.

Next, acc_nights.

I see acc_nights are not normaly distributed. it is very skewed to the right direction.

How about inter_arr?

inter_arr are also skewd.

Last, let's check inter_dep.

I see inter_dep are alos right skewed.
That's it. Thank you!

Next post is



To read from the first post,
