

OECD Crop production data analysis 2 - crop field area ranking using R visualization tool

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This post is following of the above post.
In the previous post, I imported CSV file data into R. Then, let's visialize those data.

First, let's see each 4 kinds of crops field area.

Let's start with MAIZE.

I use filter() function to filter MAIZE and THND_HA obserbations only.

Then, I use mutate() and reorder() function to reorder LOCATION by Value,

then, I use ggplot() + geom_boxplot() + coord_flip() function to make boxplots.

Oops! The df data frame inclused WLD, BRICS and OECD, which are not a countey but a aggregation of countries. So, I remove them.

Again, let's see MAIZE crop field area.

CHIN(China), USA, BRA(Brasil), IND(India) are top 4 countries which have the largest crop field area of MAIZE.

Next, let' see RICE.

IND(India), CHN(China), IDN(Indonesia) and THA(Thailand) are the top 4 countries which has the largest crop field area of RICE.


Next, let's see SOYBEAN.

USA, BRA(Brasil), ARG(Argentina) and IND(India) are the top 4 countries which has the largest crop field area of SOYBEAN.


Last, let' see WHEAT.

IND(India), RUS(Russia), CHN(China) and USA are top 4 countries which has the largest crop field area of WHEAT.

IND(India) is one of top 4 countries for every 4 kinds of crops.

That's it. Thank you!

Next post is




To read from the 1st post,
