Photo by Eugene Golovesov on Unsplash
This post is following of above post.
In this post let's ee make a correlation matirx.
To begin with, I make a data frame for average ODAFLOWS & MLN_USD by country.
Next, I make ODAFLOWS & PC_GNI data frame
Next, I make ODAGRANT & MLN_USD average by country.
Lastly, I make ODAGRANT & PC_GNI average by country data frame.
Now, we have four data frames. I will merge them into one data frame with inner_join() function.
Then, I add logarithm of flow_usd and grant_usd because these two variables became more normal distribution when it is converted to logatirthm.
All right, let's see correlation matrix.
We see lflow_usd and lgrant_usd are strongly correlated.
Let's make a scatter plot matrix.
That's it. Thank you!
Next post is..
To see the 1st post,